Across The Universe is a celebration of The Beatles’ “studio years” 1966-1970. This unique show featuring a live band and orchestra is a must-see for all Beatles fans.
READ MORECatch Phil O'Shea and friends perform ridiculous, experimental clown and comedy in the Banshee Labyrinth Cinema Room on Friday 17th January!
READ MOREJoin us for Showtime at The Comedy Attic every Friday and Saturday for the best comedy this glorious city of Edinburgh has to offer!
READ MOREKing King, Glasgow's favourite sons return home for a landmark show at The Barrowlands on Sunday 2nd November with special guest Laura Evans!
READ MOREGerman goth-rockers, Lord of the Lost, return to Glasgow following their 2023 sold out show to headline The Garage on Sunday 2nd November!
READ MOREDon’t throw away your shot, West End smash hit Hamilton the musical is coming to the Theatre Royal Glasgow for an eight week run between October and December!
READ MORECheck out all the upcoming events at Stirling Folk Club in 2025!