Magical images created by young carers are on show in a special free-to-see exhibition of photographic illusions as part of Edinburgh’s 15th annual MagicFest.
READ MORELeith Youth Drama teen acting classes return for ages 12 to 18 years on Thursdays at Custom House Leith.
READ MOREHave fun discovering Edinburgh on this award-winning, quirky, self-guided, heritage walk with a treasure hunt theme from Curious About!
READ MOREHave fun discovering Glasgow on this award-winning, quirky, self-guided, heritage walk with a treasure hunt theme from Curious About!
READ MORESign up for a fun, informal foundation in drumming, building on existing skills, plus tips and tricks for tech work and live performance at Music Broth's Drum Workshops For Under 16s!
READ MOREThe Royal Conservatoire of Scotland's new 10-week Acting Skills class will allow Secondary 1-3 students to develop their performance skills.